Solidarity with the Fight of the Chilean Students

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PAME (All Workers Militant Front) that represents the class trade union movement of Greece and MAS (Students Militant Front) that represents the fighting students movement of Greece, express their solidarity with the fight of the Chilean students and we denounce the oppression by the Bachelet Government against the students’ struggle.

In today’s conditions of the capitalist crisis, the capital and the political forces that serve it, attempt to block any militant expression of the workers and the people, by cultivating the ideology of “class collaboration”, “social peace”, etc. Special role in cultivating such positions, have the Socialdemocratic Governments and political parties, such as SYRIZA in Greece and Bachelet in Chile. However, wherever, in spite of such mechanisms the people continue to fight, those forces force the imposition of the anti-peoples’ policies with violence and oppression.

The issued of Education, of educating the children of the working class and using Science for the benefit of the peoples and not for the profits of the multinationals is a key issue for the class trade unions all over the world. The struggle of the people’s children for their right in Education is also fight the workers and the popular strata.

PAME and MAS denounce the oppression by the Batchelet Government of Chile against the students’ movement and express their solidarity with the children of the working class of Chile who fight for their right in Education.


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