Protest of Pensioners’ Federation for the Payment of Pensions

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

The Pensioners’ Federation organized a protest at the Ministry of Finance and to the Bank of Greece to demand the immediate payment of the total amount of their pensions.

In his statement outside the Ministry, the President of the Federation of Pensioners and Member of the Executive Secretariat of PAME, cde Dimos Koubouris said:

We demand the immediate payment of our pensions. Our pensions are our money and not of the banks. The pensions are not capital, to have Capital Control. The pensions are money we need for our medicines, for our families”

The Ministry of Finance and the Banks Union have imposed Capital Control to all withdrawals and especially for pensioners, whose pensions have frozen, and are only allowed the withdrawal of an extremely small sum.

The Pensioners’ Federation demanded the immediate payment of all pensions, in their whole amount.




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