A delegation of PAME and its forces in Telecommunications protested at the Embassy of Spain in Athens

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις


On Friday, May 15, a delegation of PAME and its forces in Telecommunications protested at the Embassy of Spain in Athens, expressing their support to the just struggle of the workers of Telefonica Movistar.


 The workers of Telefonica are fighting against the slavery conditions of the multinational and have been on strike for more than a month. At the same time the media have vetoed the workers voice. Press, radio and TV are in the hands of the multinational and do not allow anything to be heard about the workers’ struggle.


 PAME condemns the provocative stance of the Spanish Embassy, which avoided meeting with the delegates of the class trade union movement, thus revealing the position of the Spanish State against the workers’ movement, and its support to the interests of the multinational.


  The Press Office





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