The Executive Secretariat of PAME denounces the terrorist arrest of the president of the Trade Union of the Ship Carpenters, Vassilis Binos, under spurious charges.

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The Executive Secretariat of PAME denounces the terrorist arrest of the president of the Trade Union of the Ship Carpenters, Vassilis Binos, under spurious charges.

PAME calls all workers and unions to condemn decisively such terrorist acts.

The same time that hundreds of employers dismiss workers, decrease wages, force workers to work endless hours without payment, do not pay employees for months and none of them is arrested and no prosecutor or police officer is touched, the same time they arrest workers audaciously, whose only crime is that along with their colleagues, they struggle to defend their rights.

Everybody, who thinks that through terrorism, can bend the militant position of the workers, or obstruct their struggles, is deluded.

The labour, popular movement has the will and the experience to face the terror, the provocation and any other attempt of attack.


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