Call of PAME: The NAZI Criminals in Jail!

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PAME calls for massive-militant protest of the class unions on Wednesday, June 15, when will take place the appeal of the Golden Dawn criminal organization at the Athens Court of Appeals.

PAME notes

As on October 7, 2020, so now we will give a dynamic presence to help so that the criminals of the Nazi organization Golden Dawn go even deeper into prison. To build a wall in the effort to reverse their conviction or to lessen the sentences to the murderers of Pavlos Fyssas and Sahzat Lukman.

The struggle against fascism and the system that gives birth to it does not stop. The unions and the working people have experience, we are on alert, we are massively demanding: The Nazis in prison!

We are stepping up the fight against the fascists and their bosses. We are strengthening the fight for the lives and rights of workers and youth. We clean the neighborhoods and workplaces from the fascist poison, racism and xenophobia. We reveal the real enemy, the system that breeds poverty and war and cultivates racism.

The conviction of the Nazis was a great victory of the people, of the workers’ struggle. We continue until we send them where they deserve, with the garbage of history.

All at the rally at the Court of Appeals on June 15 at 8 p.m.


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