24hour General Strike of all workers of Italy on Friday 22 of June 2012

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Dear comrades,

PAME-All Workers Militant Front- that represents the class oriented trade union movement of Greece expresses its support and solidarity with Unione Sindicale di Base -USB that calls for a 24hour General Strike of all workers of Italy on Friday 22 of June 2012, against the new legislation of the Monti government(that is supported by the centre right and centre left parties). The new law is going to deteriorate further the situation of labour rights.

Dear comrades,

We would like you to transfer to your strike demonstration in Rome and Milan the message of the workers of Greece. We stand on the side of the Italian working class to this just struggle against the new legislation of the government, as well as to your struggle against the tax increases, the abolishment of pension rights and the antilabour reformrs in collective bargaining.We wish you great success to your struggles that are also our struggles.

The Executive Secretariat


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