Trade Union Association of Bohemia, Moravia & Silesia: Solidarity with the general strike in Greece and PAME

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Dear comrades, brothers and sisters,

The Trade Union Association of Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia expresses deep solidarity and support for the workers and PAME for the general strike of Greek workers on November 20, 2024.

Your demands of the general strike against the genocide in Palestine, against the war economy, against low wages and salaries without a public guarantee of health care and education are the same demands that we are also fighting for in the Czech Republic. Just like you, we are being suffocated by high inflation, a significant increase in the cost of living and a drop in the standard of living. In addition to this, we also have a higher retirement age enforced by the government. The standing budget is set to support increasing war spending, and the burden of financing imperialist goals falls more than ever on the shoulders of the workers.

Your struggle, the struggle of the Greek people is therefore also our one.

With comradely and fraternal trade union greetings


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