Solidarity with the workers of Argentina in the General Strike on 24 January

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PAME expresses its solidarity with the working class and people of Argentina in view of the General Strike of 24 January against the anti-people’s measures of the Milei Government.

The brutality of the current Argentine Government is stepping on the disappointment and defeatism created by the previous anti-worker governments. These, after fostering illusions of supposedly pro-people management, continued the policy of supporting the monopolies at the expense of the people, acting as a ‘washing machine’ for reactionary forces such as those of Milei. Similarly, in Greece, regardless of colour or label, one government succeeds another, continuing and escalating the same anti-peoples function, faithfully serving the profitability of business groups.

In all countries, a key part of the anti-worker attack is the attack on trade union freedoms and rights, the right to organise and to strike. This is the path followed also by the Milei government, which is attempting to criminalise mobilisations, ban demonstrations and prevent workers’ trade union activity.

Against the anti-people’s plans, the workers of Argentina on 24 January will flood the streets of the whole country, paralysing industries, transport, services, proving once again that it is the working class that produces and without it nothing moves! The working class produces the wealth of the business groups and will not accept to pay for the few to live in luxury and the many in poverty and misery!

The workers of Greece, who at the same time are preparing a big new strike in our country demanding wage increases, we stand with the workers and the people of Argentina!

Your struggle is our struggle!

Hasta La Victoria Siempre!


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