PAME National Meeting March 16. Without delay in the battle for the strike on 9 April

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PAME National Meeting March 16

Without delay in the battle for the strike on 9 April

Wide campaigning and intervention in every workplace!

On Sunday, March 16 PAME held a National Meeting of Union leaders from all sectors from all over Greece. The topic of the meeting was the evaluation of the February 28 General Strike and the preparation of escalation with New National General Strike on April 9. Hundreds of unionists took part in the meeting that was held in Piraeus Regional Trade Union.


The closing of the meeting noted

Without delay in the battle for the strike on 9 April

Wide campaigning and intervention in every workplace!

This is where the heart of the working class beats, this is where the real and living, militant collective debate of the labour movement takes place. We call all unions and trade unionists to work even more decisively in every workplace, to bring alongside us unions and trade unionists who are struggling, who are troubled but understand that here is the power to organize the struggle.

The developments can accelerate such promising processes within the unions. The millions of workers and strikers of February 28 who took to the streets gave us courage and vitality. Let us keep that these millions said the word ‘strike’,” and thus called for a continuation ahead of the April 9 strike.

Those who think they will put us aside, those who squeeze the class struggles and look for ‘saviours’ are deluded. Because, here is the organised workers’ movement, the workers’ – people’s opposition. We will strengthen our unions, we will create new ones, and we will change the correlations.

Proof of this is and was shown in the congress of the Thessaloniki Regional Trade Union Centre, where we fought a big battle and succeeded against all the other forces that united against the class forces of PAME and despite all the electoral fraus the rise of PAME list is very big.

The spirits have risen, the workers are speaking, taking part in the debates, it shows in practice what is the strength of the working class that goes out on the street. It is necessary to further consolidate within the labour movement the distrust of governments, the bourgeois state and their parties. To strengthen the conflict with the policies of the bourgeoisie, the capitalist economy and profit, to fight the battle against the illusions that are cultivated about the governmental changes, besides, the people now have a rich experience. We counter the arguments of the parties of ND – PASOK – SYRIZA etc. that talk about “pathogenesis” about the “rule of law” etc. The slogan “their profits or our lives” is what shows the way, what secures the mobilisations”.

The working class must not accept new sacrifices for the rapid transition to the capitalist economy, the 800 billion that the EU is preparing to throw into the war industry, bleeding the people.

We must organize the strike on April 9. Quickly and without delay all forces to fall on the workplaces.

To strengthen the struggle with the leading groups in GSEE – ADEDY -the ETUC affiliates in Greece- that undermined the big mobilisations, and to show this to all workers. We create front against the line of class cooperation, against the support that these forces give to the war plans and the bourgeois state.

The strike on 9 April must send the message: We are determined, we will not back down! This confrontation presupposes that more forces enter the battle, through collective processes, against the government and employers who will strengthen the intimidations.

We are organising our plan from tomorrow morning, for a wide opening, in every workplace, with a plan of persistence and intervention everywhere. With vitality and optimism, to bring more workers into the fight, everywhere, where the working class breathes, lives and struggles. The result of this struggle will also provide the continuation, ahead of May Day and other struggle stations.”





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