Massive anti-fascist demonstration –We do not forget. We fight fascism and the system that gives birth to it!

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“10 years – We will not forget. We fight fascism and the system that gives birth to it!”: With this slogan on its banner, the Regional Trade Union Centre of Piraeus participated in the massive demonstration on the occasion of the ten-year anniversary of the murder of the anti-fascist musician Pavlos Fyssas, on September 18, 2013, by an assault battalion of the Nazi criminal organization Golden Dawn.

With their slogans, with flowers they placed at the monument, with the lyrics of their songs, the demonstrators sent a message that ten years later the condemnation of the crimes of Golden Dawn does not “fade away”, that the struggle against fascism continues in every neighborhood, every school, every workplace.

Among the thousands of young people and workers who demonstrated in Keratsini, among Pavlos’ friends, was his mother, Magda Fyssa and his family.

Many unions took part in the rally confirming the determination of the working class to strengthen struggle against fascism with slogans such as “You are the bosses’ minions, fascist murderers of workers”

“Neither in Piraeus, nor anywhere else, blockade the fascists in every neighbourhood”, the Piraeus Pupils’ Coordinating Committee demonstrated, while student associations of Athens participated with their own banners.



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