Historic Demonstration of LARCO Workers

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The workers of LARCO held a big, amazing demonstration in Athens yesterday, with the workers and unions of Attica on their side.

In the morning unions of Attica welcomed the workers of LARCO in Athens center and with a militant march they reached in front of the Parliament.

The decisiveness of the Unions forced the withdrawal of the Riot Police blockade and the workers reached the Parliament entrance.

Despite the heatwave and the more than 40oC thousands of workers demonstrated for more than 12 hours protested the despicable amendment of the Government that wants to fire the LARCO workers.

At the same time unions organized solidarity actions in many cities all over Greece.

With the solidarity and support of the working class of Greece the struggle of LARCO workers continues!

Photos https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBw6ou



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