Greece May 1st – The struggles of the workers of the whole world will win!

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PAME Secretariat salutes the thousands of workers, young people, women, pensioners, the poor peasantry, the self-employed, the scientists who, with their massive presence in every city of the country, have fiercely honoured the uprising in Chicago, the heroic struggles of the workers’ movement, with the slogan “the struggles of the workers of the world will win”.

The preceding months have been marked by the great strike struggles in our country and in many countries of the world. The system that gives birth to exploitation, wars, and injustice is being fired upon by hundreds of thousands of workers and youth who, with devotion, endurance and perseverance in their struggle, are demanding life and work with rights.

In May 1st strike rally in Athens, we were honoured with the presence of a large delegation of French workers who have recently been in continuous mobilisations to repel the anti-workers bill of the Macron government, responding militantly to state and employer violence and repression.

Olivier Mateu, GS of UD CGT 13 in Athens May 1 Rally

The struggles of workers all over the world send promising messages of militant uplift, resistance and direct confrontation with the line of protection of corporate profits. On the occasion of the recent crime on the Tempe, it was revealed even more vividly in the eyes of the working people that the cause that treats human life as fuel has a name and it is called “profit”. Profit is the cause of non-existent safety measures in workplaces, and as a result, these days we are counting our colleagues dying on the job, in factories and large workplaces.

Profits are the cause of unemployment and part time work that condemn workers to life with crumbs, to seek relief in coupons. Capitalist profit is the combustible material that fuels the fire of the imperialist war in Ukraine, with the real danger of a greater escalation and generalization of the war.

Our people have nothing to gain by expecting better days from the lies of those who have ruled and are ruling the country. There is considerable experience to avoid being led into illusions and wrong choices. The current negative situation cannot be changed by putting our backs into it again, making new sacrifices and eating their new fairy tales. The solutions come from organised action, far from and beyond the capitalist one-way street, of the EU and its governments.

The International Athens

The struggles of workers in our country and around the world can win! It is the workers who in every period of time have been the ones who have challenged our exploiters, their domination and power. The working class can abolish capitalist slavery and build a new society without them and their parasitic role. This is what the exploiters of our wealth around the world dread!

Let their terror become our promise!

Law is our right! Law is the right of the worker!

Long live May 1st!

Long live the international working class!

Photos Athens




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