Greece January 17 National Strike of Workers in Local Authorities

Under the main slogan "STOP the employers’ crimes", "protection measures here and now" a national strike of workers in local authorities took place with...

Militant Musical Protest of Artists’ Unions and Art Schools

A massive, militant, musical protest took place on Tuesday, January 10 at the Ministry of Education in Athens against the Presidential Decree 85 that...

Union of Tourism, Catering, Hotel Workers of Attica: Solidarity with the strike of WOLT food delivery workers in Cyprus

Our Trade Union expresses our solidarity and support to the WOLT food delivery workers  in Cyprus , who are on strike these days demanding...

Healthcare Workers National Strike

In Athens, Thessaloniki and other cities, health workers demonstrated yesterday, December 14 against the privatized "new NHS" promoted by the Government. Continuing their struggle against...

Massive Demonstration of Pensioners in Athens

The Federation and Unions of Pensioners held a massive demonstration in Athens center, on Monday, December 12, demanding increases in pensions and return of...

Transport Trade Unions of Greece meet with the leadership of the WFTU TUI Transport

On Tuesday December 6, transport unions from Greece met at the offices of PEMEN Maritime Union in Piraeus, with Ali Riza Kucukosmanoglu Secretary General...


Health workers, along with dozens of workers' unions and mass organizations, demonstrated to demand to Kill the bill that demolishes public health care. While...

Doctors and healthcare workers of Greece begin week of strikes in defense of Public Hospitals

On Monday, November 28 Doctors and healthcare workers of Public Hospitals held their 1st day of Strike and protest in front of the Parliament...

Greece Commerce Workers Strike November 27 against Work on Sunday

Agaisnt BlackFriday extreme working conditions for the profits of the bosses  On Sunday November 27 Commerce workers from all over Greece went on Strike against...