3rd Day of strike in Piraeus Bank

More than 1000 bank employees have been on strike the last 3 days in Piraeus Bank against the bank's decision to call for the...

10days Strike in Gas Company in Greece

SOLIDARITY WITH WORKERS IN THE PUBLIC GAS COMPANY           Federations and Regional Trade Unions across the country support the just struggle of the workers in...

Eurovision Is Serving Dirty Agendas With Music

The National Union of Musicians Greece, member of PAME and WFTU salutes the mobilization of the people in the fields of literature and arts,...

Report on the Pharmaceutical Sector by OEFSEE Federation

Report on the Pharmaceutical Sector from the National Federation of Workers in Pharmaceutical Industries of Greece -OEFSEE- Global Pharmaceuticals ■ The "golden" top 10 pharma companies in...

Dangerous Intervention of ITUC-ETUC In The Internal Affairs of the Greek Trade Union Movement

TO The Trade Unions Of Europe and the World   We Denounce the Provocative and Dangerous Intervention of ITUC-ETUC In The Internal Affairs of the Greek...

Regional Trade Union of Samos- Solidarity to refugees and migrants

Ignoring the will of thousands of islanders who demanded closing down the existing “HOT SPOT” and not creating another in the great strike on...

Big Demonstration and Militant Intervention of Unions Against Employer-led Unionism

On Thursday, March 14, in the city of Kalamata, dozens of Unions and National Federations held a massive and militant protest condemning the intervention...

Militant and Successful 30th Congress of the National Federation of Workers in Food Industries of Greece

With the election of a new administration concluded last Sunday the works of the 30th Congress of the National Federation of Workers in Food...

Big Demonstration of Public Sector Employees

https://www.flickr.com/photos/141955787@N05/32139520597/in/album-72157706631929175/ A big rally with demand for permanent jobs with full rights was carried out by over 140 trade union organizations of the Public Sector....