Militant Protest of Workers in Public Sector against the reactionary law that bans demonstrations

Trade unions and workers in Public Sector held a militant protest in Athens yesterday, July 8, against the bill that intends to ban the...

Solidarity with the Strike of CGT Commerce et Services on July 9th

   On behalf of the Trade Union of Workers in Hotel-Tourism of Athens, member of PAME and WFTU, we express our solidarity with the...

Common Position of Tourism Workers’ Unions of France-Greece-Italy-Cyprus-Turkey-Serbia For the Protection of the Workers in Tourism

Millions of workers in the tourism and catering sector, as well as many more working in related activities, have been hit hard on their...

EUROF-TUI PS Europe Invitation for Online Discussion of Health Trade Unions

INVITATION Online Discussion of Health Trade Unions Healthcare workers in the First Line of the Struggle for Exclusively Public Free Health  In recent months, we have experienced...

VIDEO- Telecom Union of Athens SETIP in NOKIA Solidarity with NOKIA France

Protest at the Ministry of Public Order NO to the ban of Demonstrations!

A delegation of Regional Trade Unions, National Workers’ Federations and Trade Unions met with the Minister of Public Order, Chrysochoidis. The delegation presented the...

Telecom Workers of Greece Strike in NOKIA and LG

Telecom Workers Unions of Greece (SETIP) held strike action in the multinationals NOKIA and LG against the announcement of layoffs in both companies. At the...

Pharmaceutical Workers’ Strike on June 27

On Saturday June 27, the Trade Union of Workers in Pharmaceutical Industries of Athens and the National Federation of Workers in Pharmaceuticals held a...

Call to Fight against Layoffs in NOKIA

 SETIP (Telecommunications Workers' Union) in NOKIA Greece expresses solidarity with the workers of NOKIA all over the world and calls for the strengthening of...