“POMPEO GO HOME” Big Demonstration in Thessaloniki

  https://youtu.be/iI6DO1xLvMI The class unions and the people of Thessaloniki held a big demonstration against the visit of USA’s secretary of state Mike Pompeo in their...

Big Strikes and Demonstrations All Over Greece

https://youtu.be/-8MYrAaUlQg Thursday, September 24, was a day of massive and militant demonstrations in many sectors all over Greece. National Strike was organized by Public Hospital Doctors’...

Artists Protest to Demand Measures of Financial Support

After an initiative of the National Union of Musicians, member of PAME, artists’ Unions and associations held a musical demonstration and protest on Monday,...

September 24-National Strike of Maritime Workers of Piraeus

The Maritime Unions of Greece, PEMEN, Stefenson, PEEMAGEN, members PAME, called for strike in Piraeus Port on all ships on September 24 in defense...

September 24-National Strike of Hospital Doctors

The National Federation of Hospital Doctors of Greece (OENGE) has called for National Strike on September 24 in Public Hospitals under the slogan “We...

Big Protest in Lesvos: No to “Concentration Camps” – Immediate Release of All Refugees and Immigrants from Lesvos! 

On Tuesday, September 15, the Regional Trade Union Center of Lesvos, member of PAME, held a big and massive rally demonstration demanding No “Concentration...

The WFTU on the Trial of “Golden Dawn”

The trial of the criminal, neo-Nazi organization Golden Dawn in Greece is completed after almost 6 years and the court decision is expected for...

Big Union Demonstration in Thessaloniki

https://youtu.be/Ak82wxmcExI On September 12 the class unions of Thessaloniki held a big demonstration under the slogan “We paid a lot-We will not pay again!” to...

PAME Action Day for Public Transport

Unions all over Athens visited Metro and Bus stations on Thursday, September 10, to demand good and safe Public Transport for the people, which...