More than 200 Unions, Federations, Labour Centers call for the General Strike on February 4

More than 200 Trade unions, Federations, Labour Centers call for General Strike Response on the 4th of February against the attack on social security...

International Poster Exhibition of the WFTU in Athens

From 1 to 6 of February, in Athens will take place the International Poster Exhibition of the World Federation of Trade Unions. The Poster...

The European Trade Union Meeting Against Privatizations Concluded with Great Success

Yesterday concluded with great success the European Trade Union meeting on “The Consequences of the Privatizations, For the Employees and the Peoples of Europe...

Huge Demonstrations of PAME Against the Attack on Social Security-Preparation for the National General Strike of February 4

PAME held 2 massive actions against the new Butcher-Bill that destroys the social insurance and pension rights of the workers and the people. On...

Occupations, Rallies, Protests Prepare the General Strike of February 4

Today, January 22, since early in the morning, forces of PAME, unions, federations and workers occupied the Offices of the Organization of Farmers’ Insurance...

European Trade Union Meeting, January 25-26

On January 25-26 in Brussels will take place the European Trade Union Meeting on “The Consequences Of Privatizations For The Employees And The Peoples...

Strikes and Actions by the Class Unions Prepare the General Strike of February 4

Hundreds of actions, activities and strikes in all sectors all over Greece prepare the success of the National General Strike of February 4.  On...

The Government Of SYRIZA Met Today’s Workers’ Demonstrations With Lies, Slander And Police Violence (Photos)

  The Minister of Labour of SYRIZA while presenting today the new Bill on Social Security welcomed the positions of the big capitalists...