PAME solidarity with French workers (Video-Photos)

On Thursday, January 9, PAME held a conference of trade union leaders for the developments in social security and the preparation of new national...

Solidarity with the General Strike in the Basque Country on January 30

PAME, a member of the WFTU-FSM, expresses its solidarity with the LAB trade union to all workers for the General Strike on January 30 The...

PAME Solidarity with All India General Strike

PAME, WFTU Affiliate, which represents the class union movement of Greece, expresses its solidarity with the all India General Strike on January 8. The workers...

OTE-Deutsche Telekom Greece Workers Continue Strike for 14th Day The workers of the Greek Telecom OTE (owned by Deutsche Telekom) continued their national strike for 14th day, demanding signing of a single Collective...

The Butcher Of The Palestinians Is Not Welcome In Greece

PAME condemns to Greek workers ND's policy of tightening ties with the murderer-state of Israel. The New Year comes, with the Mitsotakis’ Government inviting...

PAME Wishes You Happy and Militant 2020

PAME wishes to the workers of our country, Greeks and migrants, but also to the thousands of Greek migrants living abroad, happy and militant...

PAME Demonstrations Against Anti-Workers’ State Budget PAME held militant demonstrations in Athens and many big cities of Greece against the Parliament vote of the new antiworkers’ state budget for 2020. In...

The First Trade Unions who sign the Call for Solidarity with Refugees and Migrants

The First Trade Unions who sign  the Call for Solidarity with Refugees and Migrants We are fighting for a World Without Poverty, Wars, Refugees Workers around the...

FSM and PAME Protest at the Embassy of France in Athens

PAME, a member of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU-FSM), expresses its solidarity with the great general strike of workers of France on...