Hands off the 35 trade union cadres of PAME

PAME calls all workers, trade unions and federations on Tuesday, February 12th, to massively participate in the protest and demonstrations to the Court, to...

The 35 trade unionists, who were led to the court, were released

The 35 trade unionists, who were led to the court, were released this afternoon. The trial was postponed for February 12, since the witnesses...

Press Release

Athens, November 6th, 2012   PRESS RELEASE   PAME greets the thousands of strikers, who decisively and with class militancy, demonstrated today in all...

PAME expresses its deep grief for the tragic death of our fellow militant.

 PAME expresses its deep grief for the tragic death of our fellow militant. Our colleague, who died from heart attack during the demonstration of...

Today’s demonstration of PAME in Athens

Today’s demonstration of PAME in Athens was impressive, militant and decisive. Thousands of people, working women and men, unemployed people, pensioners, young men...

Today’s demonstration of PAME in Athens

Today’s demonstration of PAME in Athens was impressive, militant and decisive. Thousands of people, working women and men, unemployed people, pensioners, young men and...

Press Release

The All-Workers Militant Front of Greece (PAME) denounces the continuous imprisonment of the five elected trade union leaders of the Metalworkers for the attack...

Press Release

 The All-Workers Militant Front of Greece (PAME) denounces the continuous imprisonment of the five elected trade union leaders of the Metalworkers for the attack...

For the brutal repression against the workers in shipyards

 The Executive Secretariat of PAME denounces the brutal attack of the forces of repression against the workers in shipyards that are people who have...