Demonstration at the offices of the European Union on Thursday, April 23

They Drown People in the Mediterranean  Murderers-Thieves-Hypocrites are the European Imperialists  Hundreds dead in the last days, in addition to the thousands of immigrants...

Photos from the demonstration of Trade Union against the fascist Golden Dawn

Demonstration of Trade Unions for the trial of the fascist Golden Dawn.Photos at : Secretariat

For The Trial Of The Leaders And The Members Of The Fascist Golden Dawn

No tolerance to the admirers of Hitler   On Monday, April 20, takes place the trial of the leaders and the members of the...

PAME Demonstation at McDonalds, Greece

Today, April 15, PAME Secretariat in Catering-Tourism and the Trade Union of Workers in Catering-Tourism-Hotels of Athens demonstrated at the McDonalds at Syntagma Sq,...

Solidarity with the workers of Telefonica and Movistar. Solidarity With the trade unions of Cobas, AST and CGT

Dear colleagues of Telefonica and Movistar, To the trade unions of Cobas, AST and CGT, We, the workers in Telecommunications and IT companies of...

The Red Glove and the Lies of the new Government

300 hundred women, who worked as cleaners in the Ministry of Finance until they were fired 2 years ago, demonstrated yesterday against the decision...

For the 48hour strike in FORTHNEΤ

The trade unions salute the massive participation of the workers of Forthnet in the 2 days of the strike. Especially we salute the participation...

Pensioners Massive Demonstration

Massive and militant demonstration was realized by the trade unions of Pensioners. They demonstrated and demanded the return of the cut pensions, the...

Strike in Commerce-Retail, Sunday April 5

Strike in Commerce-Retail, Sunday April 5 We demand legislative action by the government  To Establish Sunday as a day off for all workers  ...