Preparations for the General Strike December 8 Escalate. Maritime Workers Continue Strike for 6 Days

With more than 550 events, meetings and activities in workplaces all over Greece, the unions responded to the call of PAME to make Tuesday,...

Solidarity with the 4 day strike of the Maritime Workers of Greece

PAME expresses its solidarity and support to the just struggle of the maritime workers of Greece, to class maritime trade unions members of PAME,...

PAME Paid Tribute To Fidel Castro

Delegation of the Executive Secretariat of PAME visited the Embassy of Cuba in Athens on Tuesday, November 29, to pay tribute to Comandante Fidel....

Maritime Workers and Public Services Strike on November 24

The ship, maritime and public services workers go on strike on November 24. PAME’s unions in these sectors are to strike against the new...

PAME Document: The Working Class Against The Antiworkers’ Policies The Imperialist Interventions And Wars

Dear colleagues, On the behalf of the Executive Secretariat of P.A.ME, with which Labour Centres, unions and Federations are rallied, we welcome you to...

Solidarity with Turkish Peace Committee, Baris Dernegi

PAME denounces the banning of the Peace Committee of Turkey (Baris Dernegi). The operation of Turkish Peace Committee, in addition to hundreds more social...

Massive And Militant Demonstration Of Pensioners

With a massive and militant demonstration at the Ministry of Labour and the Greek Parliament, thousands of Pensioners protested against the new pension cuts,...

OSCMS Czech Republic, Message of Support to PAME

Dear comrades and brothers PAME We express our deep solidarity with the working of Greece and of PAME in their difficult struggle. We see...

OSCMS Czech Republic, Message of Support to PAME

Dear comrades and brothers PAME We express our deep solidarity with the working of Greece and of PAME in their difficult struggle. We see...