INDUSTRIALL- Servants of the Monopoliesand Enemies of the Workers

In recent days, workers have been confronted daily with the announcements of large multinational groups for layoffs, wage cuts, attacks on workers' rights. A typical...

Students Unions Protest at the US Embassy Against Racism

  Students Militant Front (MAS), ally of PAME, held massive and militant demonstrations against racism and exploitation. Main action was a massive protest in front...

Healthcare workers demand permanent staff for Hospitals

Healthcare workers held a number of actions in many Hospitals all over Greece demanding permanent staff to cover the needs of the Hospital. Central...

Militant Actions of Tourism Workers   More than 40 Tourism-Hotel Unions protested yesterday in Athens at the Ministry of Labor and Ministry of Tourism. The Unions continued their militant actions demanding...

Unions of Workers in Telecommunications of Athens : Solidarity to the workers of the USA that fight against racism and barbarism

Our union, (SETIP), expresses its solidarity, to the workers and the people of the US that demonstrate against poverty, misery and racism. Against the...

Workers’ Protests Grow in All Sectors The developments after the pandemic in all sectors alert workers and the class unions as the Employers and the Government attack and escalate the...

Solidarity with the workers of NISSAN-RENAULT-BOEING

PAME, a member of WFTU, expresses its solidarity with the thousands of workers of the multinationals NISSAN-RENAULT-BOEING, which announced thousands of layoffs seeking to...

VIDEO Interview with Minneapolis Unionist, Cherrene Horazuk, President of AFSCME 3800

PAME TV Interview (In English) of Cherrene Horazuk, President of AFSCME 3800 from Minneapolis, USA to PAME TV about the assassination of George Floyd and...

Solidarity with the Struggle of the Workers and People of USA Against Barbarism

PAME, a member of the WFTU, expresses its solidarity with the workers and the people of the United States who are on the streets...