The WFTU on the Trial of “Golden Dawn”

The trial of the criminal, neo-Nazi organization Golden Dawn in Greece is completed after almost 6 years and the court decision is expected for...

Big Union Demonstration in Thessaloniki On September 12 the class unions of Thessaloniki held a big demonstration under the slogan “We paid a lot-We will not pay again!” to...

PAME Protest: Shut Down the Hell of Moria- Immediate release of all refugees

During the HELEXPO the forces of PAME organized a symbolic protest by hanging a big banner at the center of Thessaloniki saying: Shut Down...

PAME Presentation of Action Plan and Positions

  On Friday September 11, PAME held a Press Conference in Thessaloniki, during the Thessaloniki HELEXPO, to present the positions of the Class unions, its...

PAME Action Day for Public Transport

Unions all over Athens visited Metro and Bus stations on Thursday, September 10, to demand good and safe Public Transport for the people, which...

Massive Protests of Artists   Artists, musicians, workers in culture took to the streets on Thursday, September 10, demanding immediate measures of support against the tragic situation they live...

PAME statement for the new school year

On the beginning of the new school year The beginning of this new school year is very different from the previous ones. This is because...

Ashes And Oppression In The Inhumane Time Bomb Of Moria

In the last hours we are witnessing another tragic development in the hunting and torture of the persecuted and uprooted refugees and migrants that...

PAME calls Action Day for Public Transport September 10

PAME Transport Secretariat calls the Unions of Athens to organize initiatives and campaigns of September 10 demanding immediate measures to support public transport and...