PAME Video “Unrelenting-Unwavering-Multiform Struggle in All Conditions” PAME publishes a small video-documentary of the working class struggles in 2020 in Greece titled “Unrelenting-Unwavering-Multiform Struggle in All Conditions” PAME thanks the trade union...

Protests in Public Hospitals   With various mobilizations in the context of a national action day in the hospitals but also in the local administrations of the Regions, the...

Education Demonstrations all over Greece break the new ban to Demonstrations Thousands of students, teachers, parents and trade unions demonstrated on Thursday, January 28 opposing the proposed changes to Universities admittance and the imposition of...

Solidarity to the people of India and EEFI for the strike on 3 February 2021

The Federation of Workers in Pharmaceuticals in Greece and the Trade Union of Energy in Athens, members of PAME and WFTU, express their solidarity...

PAME in European Meeting of WFTU TUI Transport

 On Thursday, January 21, PAME participated in the International Teleconference of the TUI Transport of WFTU with Transport-Communications unions of Europe. The meeting was attended...

The Greek Government Escalates Oppression, Intimidation And Prosecutions Against The Workers Struggles

  “…Because for me, the most surprising, the most imposing, the most mysterious and grandiose Is a man not allowed to walk; A man who’s being shackled” Nazim Hikmet   With...

Protest in Elefsina Demanding Health Protection Measures in the Workplaces The class unions held a protest in the city of Elefsina, industrial area near Athens, on Thursday, January 21, demanding immediate measures of protection....

Massive Students Demonstration Demands-No to University Police With massive demonstrations, using social distancing, University students, teachers and unions opposed the Government plan to impose University Police, while at the same time...

Dockworkers’ of Piraeus Meeting with Port workers of Genoa

On Tuesday, January 19, a delegation of the ENEDEP (Piraeus-COSCO Dockworkers’ Union) held a teleconference with the Port Workers' of Genoa, Italy of the...