Call Center Workers of PDS Continue their strike action for Pay Rise Workers at PDS Call Center in Athens, majority of whom are young women, held a new strike action yesterday, Monday July 4 and unanimously...

PAME denounces the new cold-blooded murder of an unarmed black man by police in the USA

Videos released of the cold-blooded killing of Jayland Walker, an unarmed black man who was shot dead by Akron police with 60 bullets, are...

PAME Protest at the Embassy of Morocco for the Melilla Massacre PAME held a protest on Friday, July 1st at the Embassy of Morocco in Athens denouncing the Melilla Massacre. The Government of Morocco and its...

PAME Message to Workers’ Struggles for Pay Rises all over Europe

Workers’ Struggles for Pay Rises Escalate all over Europe PAME expresses its solidarity with workers' struggles and strikes that take place daily across Europe. Thousands...

Construction Workers’ Union of Athens Solidarity with Construction Workers’ Strike in Denmark

We, Construction Workers’ Union of Athens, express our solidarity and support for the just struggle of our colleagues in Femarnbelt link, Denmark, migrant construction...

Athens Big Protest Against NATO Summit The class unions along with EEDYE, Peace Committees and organizations of the movement held a massive protest on Thursday, June 30 at the Ministry...

Call Center PDS Workers Massive Strike Action

The workers at PD Solutions (Piraeus Bank subsidiary - call center for all of Greece) held a strike with massive participation on June 30. They...

National Strike in Food-Drinks Industries of Greece The workers in Food-Drinks Industries of Greece held a National Strike in the sector on Thursday, June 30, demanding Sectoral Collective Contracts with wage...

Solidarity in the Metalworkers’ Strike in the Basque Country

PAME expresses its solidarity with the Metalworkers in the Basque Country in the Spanish State who are fighting for Collective Agreements with salary increases...