Statement of the unionists of PAME in Greek Railways for the Railway accidents on FEBRUARY 7, 2023

Colleagues, Two more accidents in the past few days have been added to the long list with Train routes 51 and 61 respectively, putting in...

Public Healthcare Workers and Doctors of Greece Militant Actions

Workers and doctors in Public Hospitals of Greece organized militant actions and strikes all over the country on Wednesday, February 22 demanding the strengthening...

Protest of Tourism Workers attacked violently by Police

On Wednesday, February 22, thousands of Tourism workers protested all over Greece demanding the implementation of their National Collective Contract, as well as unemployment...

PAME delivered 100 tons of solidarity materials to unions of Turkey

On Saturday, February 18, dozens of workers and unionists of Greece passed the Greek-Turkish borders accompanying 5 trucks with material aid from all over...

PAME First Delivery of Material Aid to the Unions of Turkey

The Regional Trade Union of Lesvos Island, near the borders with Turkey, on Thursday, February 16 transferred and delivered to Ayvalik, Turkey the first...

PAME Meeting with ETUF-Egypt Leadership

On Thursday, February 16, high-level delegation of the Egypt Trade Union Federation-ETUF, headed by ETUF President Mr Gobran visited PAME Headquarters and met with...

Artists Continue and escalate their Struggle On February 15, once again, artists, artists' unions, students of art schools, and universities were on the street demanding the withdrawal of the Presidential...

February 15 Big Strike of Teachers

On Wednesday, February 15 took place With a river of strikes in Schools all over Greece, with rallies in all big cities and a...

Meeting of the EUROF-WFTU for the Right to Strike

PAME participated in the meeting of the European Office of the WFTU, on Wednesday 15 February, hosted by the LAB trade union in Bilbao,...