Press Release

 The All-Workers Militant Front of Greece (PAME) denounces the continuous imprisonment of the five elected trade union leaders of the Metalworkers for the attack...

For the brutal repression against the workers in shipyards

 The Executive Secretariat of PAME denounces the brutal attack of the forces of repression against the workers in shipyards that are people who have...


The workers in the “Greek Steelworks” plant destroyed the plans of the employer and continue fighting using other forms of struggle. TheGreek steelworkers enterthe...

Concerning the “social dialogue” between employers and the GGCL (Greek General Confederation of Labour)

 Lately, meetings have been taking place between employers’ associations (AGI- Association of Greek Industries etc.) and labour unions such as the GGCL and others....

On The Occasion Of the International Day Against Drug Abuse

On the occasion of the International day against drug abuse, June 26, the Youth Secretariat of PAME calls the young workers, the unemployed, the...

On the comments made by Van Rompuy for the social security systems in Europe

 The “new wind” blowing in Europe blows against the rights and achievements of workers. As stated by Herman Van Rompuy, president of the European Union,...

24hour General Strike of all workers of Italy on Friday 22 of June 2012

Dear comrades, PAME-All Workers Militant Front- that represents the class oriented trade union movement of Greece expresses its support and solidarity with Unione Sindicale...

Court decision passes judgement on the strike of the steel workers, declaring it illegal

 Denouncement The court´s decision to declare illegal the ongoing, for seven months now, strike of the steel workers, is nothing more than another sign...

The Executive Secretariat of PAME denounces the terrorist arrest of the president of the Trade Union of the Ship Carpenters, Vassilis Binos, under spurious...

 The Executive Secretariat of PAME denounces the terrorist arrest of the president of the Trade Union of the Ship Carpenters, Vassilis Binos, under spurious...