The Workers of Forthnet Company(the second largest internet provider company in Greece) decided unanimously in their General Assembly to go on Strike on March...
PAME (All Workers Militant Front) condemns the new attack of the Turkish Government against workers’ just struggle. On Wednesday, February 24 workers and...
The Trade Union of workers in Forthnet (Internet Provider Company) goes on 3hour strike Announcement of the Trade Union of workers in Forthnet Cancel...
Introduction to the Meeting of The National Committee of PAME
We discuss today a few days after the government change, to program and plan our action...
Meeting of the National Coordinating Committee of PAME
Topic: Campaign for the Financial Support of PAME
PAME since its foundation till today gives all its forces...
In addition to the recent ITUC’s statement of “solidarity” with the Greek people, we witness the last days media owned by monopoly groups, international...