The Great March Against Unemployment Concluded with a big Rally in Athens (Photos)

The Great March Against Unemployment that started last week, on April 3rd, reached Athens yesterday, Sunday, April 10, where it was welcomed by the...

April 7 – Greece National Strike in Public Services (Photos)

The forces of PAME in Public Services organized massive and militant demonstrations in many cities in Greece on April 7, day of Strike in...

The Great March Against Unemployment (Photos)

The Great March Against Unemployment continues! The great 220km march is an initiative of the City of Patras under the slogan “Jobs for All,...

International Action Day Against Privatizations

The International Action Day Against Privatizations of the Trade Union International of Public Services (TUI PS& A) of the WFTU was celebrated with events...

The big March Against Unemployment Continues (Photos)

The big March Against Unemployment Continues as the second day concluded after the march went through a series of villages and cities, where rallies...

PAME Solidarity to CLA of Algeria

PAME expresses its solidarity to the teachers of Algeria and their long march demanding their re-hiring. They have walked hundreds of kilometers and march...

The Big March Against Unemployment Started with Great Success (Photos)

The 1st Day of the big March Against Unemployment of 220 km Patras-Athens concluded with enormous success. The demonstrators left Patras in a...

Demonstration of Solidarity With the Refugees

PAME held a militant demonstration on Friday, April 1st to condemn the law of the SYRIZA Government on the Refugee Situation, which imposes the...

Militant Demonstration of PAME in Athens (VIDEO+Photos)

PAME held demonstrations in many cities all over Greece protesting against the antiworkers reforms in Social Security, taxation, and the auctioning off of workers’...