We demand the Cancelation of the Layoffs in RIVULIS – EURODRIP Company

On Monday July 2nd the company RIVULIS – EURODRIP (which is Israel-owned) laid off two workers, members of the newly founded Union, just 3...

WFTU in Solidarity with the Union and workers of Rivulis-Eurodrip

  The World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) with more than 92 million members in 126 countries around the world expresses its class solidarity...

Meeting of PAME with UTS Senegal

https://www.flickr.com/photos/141955787@N05/44499870181/in/album-72157695182222810/ On Thursday 5th of June a delegation of UTS (Senegal) visited PAME. The delegation, consisted of Aliou Ndiaye General Secretary, and Ibrahima Sylla, Mamadou...

PAME en solidarité avec les travailleurs de France

Jeudi dernier, 28 juin, journée de grève dans toute la France, le PAME a soutenu et a assisté à la grande grève des travailleurs...

PAME in Solidarity with the Workers of France

On Thursday, June 28th, a day of strike in France, PAME supported the big strike of the workers of France. In the morning, PAME...

OUT the Employers from The Trade Unions

PAME denounces the General Confederation of Workers of Greece (GSEE-ETUC Affiliate) for accepting employers in its leadership. Recent reports in many media confirm what...

PAME Youth Secretariat: On the International Day Against Drugs

We call on every worker and unemployed youth to reflect and realise what is behind the advertising campaign organised by the SYRIZA government, and...

June 24 Strike of Commerce Workers

The workers in Commerce held a strike on Sunday, June 24 against the Government of SYRIZA-ANEL attempts to change the workweek, by canceling Sunday...

Solidarity With Migrant Workers

On Sunday, June 24, a delegation of WFTU, PAME, FISE and local unions visited the migrant workers of the strawberry fields of Manolada. The...