Massive Strike Protest of Teachers in Athens The Teachers of Greece continued their struggle against the layoffs planned by the SYRIZA Government. With a massive strike demonstration in Athens on Monday, January...

PAME denounces the thousands of layoffs by the multinational General Motors and Ford

PAME denounces the multinationals General Motors and FORD that announced they will make thousands of layoffs in various countries of the world. GM announced that...

The Greek Government Attacked Against Teachers’ Demonstration in Athens On Friday, January 11, teachers from all over Greece held a massive protest in Athens against the layoffs of thousands of teachers announced by...

Manolada Migrant Workers Protest in Athens

 A massive protests at the Ministries of Labor and Migration Policy, as well as at the Embassy  of Bangladesh, was organized on Tuesday, January 8,...

Solidarity with All India General Strike on 8-9 January

PAME, representing the class trade union movement of Greece, expresses its Solidarity with the All India Strike on 8-9 January. In India, the "Development" referred...

Solidarity with the workers and the people of Indonesia

With deep sorrow we watch the consequences of the recent tsunami on the Sumatra and Java islands in Indonesia with hundreds dead and wounded. Even...

Solidarity with workers at the Huerta de Peralta factory

PAME, which represents the class trade union movement of Greece, expresses its solidarity with the strikers of the Huerta de Peralta factory in the...


On Thursday 27th of December, the union of workers in the telecoms and IT sector of Athens along with workers of Teleperformance gathered at...