PAME Continues Solidarity with the Refugees (VIDEO)

On Friday, January 31, a delegation of PAME and class unions delivered a new part of material aid, clothes and food, to the refugee...

Event for the 75 Years of the WFTU in Athens

An event to honor the 75 Years of the WFTU was organized by Trade Union of Municipal Workers of Athens, member of PAME, and...

Greek and Migrant Workers’ Protest

Τhe class unions of Workers in Food Industries of Athens and the Regional Union of East Attica held a militant protest of Greek and...


The new issue of the International Secretariat of PAME Magazine for 2019 is available in the following link: In this issue you can find information...

Militant Demonstration against USA military bases in Greece

On Thursday, 30 January, mass militant demonstrations of PAME and people's organizations, took place in many cities of Greece against the “mutual Defense Agreement”...

PAME Message of Solidarity to the 21st All India Conference of AIUTUC

Dear comrades of AIUTUC, PAME, a member of the WFTU, sends a greeting to your Congress on behalf of the class unions in Greece and...

PAME Solidarity with Metalworkers Strike in Turkey

PAME, a member of the WFTU in Greece, expresses its solidarity with the strike on 5 February by the Turkish metalworkrs and their union...

PAME Solidarity Message to Birlesik Metal-İş

Yunanistan'da DSF üyesi olan PAME (Tüm İşçilerin Militan Cephesi), Türkiye'de metal işçilerinin ve Birlesik Metal-İş sendikasının toplu iş sözleşmesi için verdiği mücadeleyi ve 5...

PAME statement on the Common Security and Defense Policy of the EU

Workers Must Respond to the Dangerous Imperialist Plans PAME denounces the reports presented recently to the European Parliament on the "implementation of the Common Foreign...