On the intended firing of 200 workers in the Zetor Tractors, JSC in Czech Republic

Trade Union Association of Bohemia, Moravia & Silesia, Czech Republic, expresses its indignation about an intention of the Zetor Tractors, JSC, to fire 260...

LAB Basque Country: Against the Construction of the tram in Jerusalem by CAF

With this email we want to inform you about the Basque company called CAF is tendering to get the work to make the trains...

CGT Bouches du Rhone : 13,14 et 15 decembre tous en Greve !

Contre la vie chère, pour l’augmentation des salaires, traitements, pensions et minima sociaux, La CGT des Bouches du Rhône revendique : • A partir d’un SMIC à...

WFTU solidarity statement to the Greek sailor Stavros Papadakis

The Working Youth Committee of the WFTU expresses its solidarity to the Greek sailor Stavros Papadakis who protested against the participation of the Greek...

The European Regional Office of WFTU expresses its class solidarity with the General strike of PAME on the 28thof November

The European Regional Office of WFTU expresses its class solidarity with the General strike called by the class based trade union movement of PAME on the...

La unión de trabajadores cañeros de REP. Dominicana Apoya la huelga a realizarse este 28 de noviembre .

La unión de trabajadores cañeros de REP. Dominicana Apoya la huelga a realizarse este 28 de noviembre . Por lo visto el PAME afiliado...

The Union of Russian Trade Unions expresses its solidarity and support for the planned on November 28, PAME general strike.

Dear comrades and brothers! The Union of Russian Trade Unions expresses its solidarity and support for the planned on November 28, PAME general strike. We...

Solidarity with the Greek workers in connection with the upcoming strikes on November 14 and 28

To comrades from PAME The Kazakhstani trade union “Zhanartu”, as well as our trade unions partners, express solidarity with the Greek workers who intend to...