Motion de soutien du syndicat departemental CGT Télécoms 13

Chers-es camarades, Votre lutte pour gagner une Convention Collective résonne tout particulièrement pour nous en France où le gouvernement Macron,soutenu par le patronat, tente d’individualiser...

Fédération Cgt Commerce et Services: Communiqué de Presse concernant la mobilisation des travailleurs du Commerce dans le monde

LES TRAVAILLEURS DU COMMERCE DANS LE MONDE DÉCIDENT DE S’UNIR ET DE SE MOBILISER Au vu des attaques du patronat dans le commerce et plus particulièrement...

Unione Sindacale di Base: Extraordinary USB victory

Extraordinary USB victory. The Government has finally signed the decree which definitively assumes the 12,000 temporary workers in contract who work for cleaning in...

Metalworkers in Bizkaia (Basque Country) continue in strike

Metalworkers in Bizkaia (Basque region) continue the mobilizations in the context of 5 days strike called in the sector. 85% of workers have supported...

The workers of Greece and Palestine lived in the face of injustice

TO : Comrades in the union  PAME Greetings struggle. On the occasion of the International Labor Day, we in the trade union coalition WUCP  express and...

The EUROF of WFTU expresses its solidarity to the workers of Greece and PAME for their National General Strike on September 24.

 The EUROF of WFTU expresses its solidarity to the workers of Greece and PAME for their National General Strike on September 24. The workers of...

The trade union of Bohemia, Moravia, Slezksa is fully on your side in the general strike

Dear comrades, brothers,        The trade union of Bohemia, Moravia, Slezksa is fully on your side in the general strike. You are fighting against trade...

CGT France Federation of Commerce and Services: The Secretary General of the Federation was summoned to the Commissioner of the Police for September 2

After the mobilization in CONFORAMA of July 11, the Business Managers filed a complaint against Amar LAGHA, Secretary General of the Federation. It should be...