Big Demonstrations in Defense of Workers’ Social Security

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

The class unions of Greece, pensioners and youth held massive demonstrations of Saturday, November 30 in many Greek cities in defense of workers’ social security and pension rights.

Demonstrations were held in dozens of cities all over Greece with central demonstration in Athens in front of the Parliament. The class Unions stated:

“We fight for public, compulsory Social Security for all workers, locals and immigrants and the protection of their families, based on modern needs. For a single Social Security system, including pension rights, health prevention and rehabilitation services, social Welfare benefits and services. To abolish private business from the field of Healthcare – Welfare and Medicines. Increases in salaries and pensions”

In the central demonstration also participated and spoke the General Secretary of the UD CGT 13 de Bouches de Rhone, Olivier Mateu. (Video here: ). From the demonstration PAME sent a message of Solidarity with the General Strike of French Workers on December 5th. ( )

Photos from the Demonstration in Athens:


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