The Naked Truth about the GSEE Leadership and the Working Class of Greece

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

On May 1st 2019, dozens of thousands of workers demonstrated all over Greece with the class unions, with PAME. Only in Attica Region PAME held 4 different and massive rallies. In Athens, Piraeus, Lavrion and Elefsina.

At the same time the disgraced GSEE leadership, affiliates of the ETUC in Greece, called for only one rally in Attica. This is it…

Similar was the situation in their “rally” in the second biggest city of Greece, Thessaloniki

This is the naked truth about the real “support” the GSEE leadership has from the workers of Greece. The Trade Union mafia of GSEE is a mechanism of the employers and the Governments inside the union movement. That is why the working class of Greece has turned their backs to them.

The lies and slander of GSEE, ETUC, ITUC cannot hide this reality

PAME Rally in Athens, May 1st 2019


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