Workers-Students-Parents Demonstration for Free-Public Education for All

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Συλλαλητήριο ενάντια στο αντιεκπαιδευτικό πολυνομοσχέδιο

With a big demonstration in front of the Parliament in Athens, workers Unions, Students and Parents Associations protested against the Education Bill of the SYRIZA Government that attacks both the rights of the students, the quality of education and the working conditions for Teachers.

The anti-people’s aims of the bill is also the reason why the SYRIZA Government attempted to vote the bill during the Spring Break holidays, so as to avoid reactions. However the massive response of the students-workers revealed their plans.

The demonstrators demanded the bill not to be voted. Strong raise of funding to Education. Decrease of the number of students per classroom. Steady jobs to all substitute teachers. Schools that will serve the contemporary needs of the children to education.



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