GSEE Congress Daily Revelations of Election Fraud and Employers’ Intervention

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The procedure for the confirmation of the delegates at the 37th GSEE Congress confirms the estimation of PAMEthat this is not a Workers’ Congress!

The practices followed by the GSEE leadership (PASKE, DAKE, SYRIZA, Vassilopoulos Group) in the elections of the unions have nothing to do with the collective processes and the real participation of the workers. ELECTION FRAUD IS HORRIFYING.

In the documents presented we see:

  • “Union Members” who have voted in two, three or even in four different unions, some of whom are also elected in the Union leaderships.
  • “Unions” – ghosts, whose ElectionProcedure documents are nowhere to be found, but they present delegates for the Congress
  • “Unions” with number of members and number of voters who outnumber the whole workforce of their city or region.

The employers’ intervention in the Union movement is seen clearly in the Union of Employees in Shipping Agencies (PASENT), where President is the “unionist” Vasilopoulos, Deputy President of GSEE.

In this union it is very difficult to find as a member a real worker, but in in the name list of voters are:

  • The names of MANAGERS of the MSC multinational, which is the 2nd largest container shipping company in the world.
  • In the name list is also the name G.S., who is Marketing Manager of the ATTICA GROUP Shipping Company, and who is also the son of the President of the Association of Shipping Companies Business Groups. So the father is President of the Capitalists’ Association, and the son, who is manager of their Company, votes for the representation of the workers!!!

Because of these and many more examples of election fraud, this union was not accepted in the Congress of the Regional Trade Union Center of Piraeus.

However, this Union is accepted to send delegates and take part in the Congress of the National Federation of Private Employees of Greece, and through this Congress to elect delegates to the Congress of GSEE.


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