Solidarity with the Demonstration of USB in Italy Against the Salvigni Decree

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PAME expresses its solidarity to USB and the workers of Italy who on Saturday, December 15 are demonstrating against the Salvigni Decree, which targets the rights of the refugees and the migrants

EU and its member states play geopolitical chess with refugees and immigrants as pawns. They do not allow refugees and immigrants to disembark in European ports and they let them to drown in the sea. They do not allow them to go to the countries they really want, they even pose obstacles to family reunifications, they are indifferent to the drama of unaccompanied minors. They want to keep refugees imprisoned in camps outside EU. They build new concrete and electronic fences so that only those cheap workers needed by capitalists to be allowed to move inside Europe.

This is why we should fight against the common enemy, capitalists, their governments and their international alliances, NATO and EU.




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