Action for the Success of Strikes on 14 and 28 November

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

Class unions are actively fighting for the success of the big strikes in the coming days.

On Wednesday, November 14, the Public Services Employees various sectors such as Construction, health workers and others are going on National Strike.

At the same time, Federations, Regional Trade Unions and Trade Unions throughout the country are working on a daily basis to prepare for the General Strike on Nov. 28, setting the slogan: “Our own needs in the Frontline- Not the profits of the few.”

Hundreds of trade union organizations throughout Greece with mass procedures, General Meetings and a wide opening in the workplaces, militant interventions for the signing of Collective Contracts with salary and rights increases. They are fighting to form a strong strike front on November 28, against the attack by government and employers against the undermining tactics of GSEE and ADEDY (members of the ETUC in Greece).

The demands of the workers are

Cancelation of the law that abolished collective bargaining. Restore Collective Agreements with raises in wages and pensions. Restoration of minimum salary for all. Cancel all anti-social security laws. Restoration of rights



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