For the meeting of the GSEE leadership with the Ministry of Public Order

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

The leadership of GSEE (member of the ETUC in Greece) does even keep the pretexts. Faced with the revealing of their dirty role by PAME, the GSEE held a meeting with the government (the one that they support) and the Ministry of Public Order. There, the GSEE requested that its Congresses, as well as those of other trade unions to be held in the presence of the Police, of Riot Police, of secret police!!! GSEE does not even keep their fake masks.

They think they will continue undisturbed their undermining role in the workers’ struggles. We are talking about a shameless unionism in the service of the Government.

For the class unions that rally with PAME, trade union Congresses are not for the chairs and privileges of trade unionists. Trade union Congresses are held for workers to discuss and decide on the orientation and role of trade unions. To decide whether to be with the big capital and its political servants or with the interests of the working class.

We call on workers to clear the unions from these dangerous forces. The Trade Unions must not leave the workers fall into the hands of capitalists, bankers, shipowners and the government.

This issue is not only about the Regional Trade Union Centers, the Workers’ Federations, and the trade unions that are rallying with PAME. It concerns the whole working class, all the people. It concerns the improvement of the life of workers, which can not be done without organization, without participation in the unions.

Trade unions belong to the workers

NO Police –NO Employers in the Workers’ Trade Unions


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