For the arrest of the Palestinian Governor of Jerusalem

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

The All Workers Militant Front-PAME denounces the arrest of the Governor of East Jerusalem, Adnan Gheith, by the Israeli occupation forces.

The escalation of the aggression of the murderer state of Israel is based on the support it receives from the USA-NATO-EU, but also on the tactics of many governments, as well as the Greek SYRIZA-ANEL, which, on the one hand, as Pontius Pilates do not proceed to the recognition of the Palestinian state, at the 1967 border with East Jerusalem as the capital, on the other hand they give land and water to the Israeli military machine.

We demand

Immediate release of the Governor of East Jerusalem, Adnan Gheith and all Palestinian political prisoners

Immediate implementation of the unanimous decision of the Greek Parliament to recognize the Palestinian state, with East Jerusalem capital.


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