No Intervention Against the Palestinian People

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We Will not Become Accomplices In Their Crime

The class trade union movement of Greece denounces the brutal, murderous plans of Israel, which in the last few days proceeds to preparations for a new broad military intervention against the people of Palestine.

They arm the weapon to assassinate the Palestinian people who resist

Emboldened by the provocative USA-EU support, after the continuous murder of hundreds of Palestinian protesters, even young children, in the recent months, Israel proclaims in all tones the need for a “hard strike” against Gaza.

Israel closed the border crossings connecting Israel with the Gaza Strip and restricted the maritime area allowed for Palestinians to fish from 6 to 3 miles and proceeded to new air bombardments in Gaza on the morning of October 17th. Bombardments of Israeli aircraft that “train” on how to murder Palestinians together with Greek Air Force.

The political-economic-military cooperation of the SYRIZA-ANEL government with the Israeli murderer-state is complicity in crime. The support of the US-NATO-EU imperialist plans puts us in the turmoil of the wars and the interventions of the murderers of the peoples.

  • Now let’s shout out loud, We will not become criminals

  • No Intervention against the Palestinian People

  • Pause of any cooperation with the Israeli murderer-state. Stop all the exercises that give Greek soil and air to Israel.

  • Stop the blockade and murdering of the Palestinians. Destroy the wall of shame and the settlements

  • The Government of Greece immediately to implement the unanimous decision – the 2015 parliament resolution on the recognition of Palestine as an independent state at the 1967 border with East Jerusalem as the capital.


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