About the Trial of the 35 Cadres of PAME

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

2-10-2018 Κινητοποίηση ενάντια στις συνδικαλιστικές διώξεις

On Tuesday, October 2, the trial of the 35 cadres of PAME took place. The trial took place in the presence of hundreds of trade unionists and workers who expressed their Solidarity to the cadres of PAME. Also important  was the Solidarity from many  trade unions from other countries.

During the trial once again, all charges against the cadres of PAME were dropped and the accused were acquitted.

Speaking to the crowd, Giorgos Perros, on behalf  Executive Secretariat of PAME, right after the end of the trial, after he thanked the militant lawyers who contributed to legal aid during all this time, he said: “It is certain that whatever the judgment of the Court would be, we would continue, and we will continue to struggle. No judicial, state or employers’ decision is going to obstruct the struggle. “

PAME thanks all the trade unions of Greece and other countries for their support and solidarity.


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