Militant Demonstrations of PAME on September 13

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On Thursday, September 13, PAME held militant demonstrations under the slogan “Forward Our Own Needs And Not The Profits Of The Few”, sending a message of continuation of the fight against the anti-people’ policies that are imposed by the Greek Government-Capital – NATO and the EU.

The demonstrators protested that the “growth” propagated by the government is based on wage cuts, pensions cuts, the destruction of social benefits, and brutal antiworkers’ taxation. At the same time, they protested the SYRIZA – ANEL government, who is giving the land and the seas of Greece to the Americans and involves the country and the people even deeper into wars, disasters, killings and uprooting of peoples.

At the same time they called for participation in the mobilization for the 5 years since the assassination of P. Fissa from a battalion of the Nazi-criminal organization of Golden Dawn, on September 18th.

PAME noted “The difficulties have not passed. There are more and more in front of us. But we are more organized, stronger, more convinced of the size of the fight that needs to be given, which will never be a onetime thing, but will not stop until we win. They have launched an attack of repression against the class trade union movement with new trials and persecutions. But we also have experience and know how to deal with them”



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