Stop the Persecutions of Trade Unionists – Intimidations Will Fail!

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PAME denounces the new persecutions against Unionists of the Workers and small farmers Union movement.

Specifically, on September 19, are going to trial at the city of Larissa the President and Vice-President of the Federation of Farmers’ Associations of Karditsa, and the President of the Federation of Farmers’ Associations of Larissa. They are to be tried for the farmers’ demonstrations that took place in January-February 2010.

Along with them, the President of the Larissa Regional Trade Union Center and a Member of the Executive Secretariat of PAME, Tassos Tsaples, is also brought to trial, under the accusation that he had also used a tractor during the farmers’ protests!

The aim of the new prosecutions is both the intimidation of militant farmers who are fighting to survive. At the same time, the persecutions aim to attack against the Solidarity, which is expressed by the class unions and the workers in the struggles of the farmers.

The “end of the memorandums” and the “return to regularity”, propagated by the SYRIZA-ANEL government, in reality it means the continuation of anti-workers’ and anti-people policies, so to benefit the capital. These policies go hand in hand with the repression and intensification of the attack on democratic, trade union rights of workers and poor farmers.

We demand that the persecutions of trade unionists be stopped immediately. Trade union organization and action is our right, which we won with our struggles.

We call on the trade unions to express their solidarity with the persecuted and to strengthen the common front of the working class with the militant small farmers.


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