PAME Held a Big Concert Against Exploitation And Imperialist War

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13-7-2018 Μεγάλη Συναυλία του ΠΑΜΕ Ενάντια στην Εκμετάλλευση και τον Ιμπεριαλιστικό Πόλεμο

A Big Concert organized by PAME was held on Friday 13th July, in Athens, with the message: “Down the wars of the imperialists-Long live the friendship and the solidarity of peoples”. In the concert took part musicians from the National Musicians Union from Greece and from the Cultural Centre “Nazim Hikmet” of Istanbul, Turkey.

The workers from Greece and musicians form Greece and Turkey sang together against the nationalism, xenophobia, against the imperialist plans to promote friendship and cooperation between the peoples.

This concert was another step in PAME’s actions against imperialist wars, NATO and all imperialist organizations. In this context PAME will continue with multiple more actions.



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