The Workers of Forthnet Company(the second largest internet provider company in Greece) decided unanimously in their General Assembly to go on Strike on March 5.
The strike follows the lay off of a member of the Trade Union’s leadership, the tactics of the company to lay off older workers with established rights so as to replace them through outsourcing, health and safety problems and more issues.
The Trade Union of Workers in Forthnet has been in continuous struggle since its foundation, 2 years ago, to better the working conditions and to stop the daily lay offs.
For its militant action it receives new attacks from the company every day.
For its militant action it receives new attacks from the company every day.
The demands of the strike are
- Cancellation of the lay offs
- Stop the persecution against trade union action
- Collective Contact with equal rights for all workers-including the outsourced workers
- Health and Safety regulations to by implemented in the company