PAME Militant Response to the new Crime-Shipwreck with Refugees

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With a rally in front of the Parliament and a march to the EU offices, unions and organisations, workers and youth, demonstrated yesterday afternoon their anger and indignation for the new crime in the Mediterranean, this time off the coast of Pylos.
“They have made the Mediterranean a wet graveyard, we will never accept this slaughterhouse,” was one of the slogans heard loudly as the number of victims of the shipwreck remains unknown. And they sent the message: “We will not settle for the barbaric ‘normality’ of thousands of dead and missing refugees in the Mediterranean and Aegean seas. We do not forget who is responsible for the imperialist wars and interventions that push thousands into uprooting. We strengthen solidarity with refugees and migrants and demand the effective protection of their rights to asylum, against the laws of repression and confinement.””Continuous crime, thousands dead, the inhuman system murders,” the protesters’ blocs shouted, recalling that the new shipwreck is part of the ongoing crime that has been taking place in the Mediterranean and the Aegean all these years. A crime that has the signature of the imperialists and their governments, the EU and NATO, who are launching interventions, slaughtering peoples, occupying countries, creating caravans of uprooted people. The demonstrators, workers from a range of workplaces who live day and night the results of the same policy with the dead and crippled in work “accidents”, the youth, students and pupils who see the current rot choking their dreams while the big business conglomerates set records for profitability.
During the protest hundreds of lanterns flew to the sky in the memory of those lost.
Also at the demonstration took part the delegation of AMAZON Labor Union, Chris Smalls and Derrick Palmer, who are visiting Greece after invitation of PAME
Militant Demonstrations also took place in Thessaloniki and other cities of Greece


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