Free all Palestinian Political Prisoners in Israeli Prisons!

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Solidarity with the People of Palestine

PAME firmly on the side of the Palestinian people denounces the ongoing, brutal Israeli occupation and the inhuman repression and persecution against the Palestinians.

Today 4,550 Palestinian political prisoners are imprisoned in Israeli jails, including 31 women and 175 young children! Moreover, one in six of them (700 people in total) are imprisoned for months without trial or indictment, under the so called ‘administrative detainee’. Many of them are currently on hunger strike – at serious risk to their lives – fighting against their continued illegal detention.

The daily crimes of the murderer-state of Israel have the enduring support of the US-NATO-EU and the Greek governments, which may change their colours and faces, but continue to steadily deepen their cooperation with the murderers of the Palestinians.

The people of Palestine are not alone!

Now the Greek Government to demand the immediate release of all political prisoners in Israeli prisons.

We strengthen Solidarity with the struggle for Palestine Free and Independent on the borders of ’67!


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